AL |
Alabama Power |
2-Years 1,000 kVa with a 10% monthly credit year 1 & 5% year
2. |
AR |
Entergy |
New service in a 6-month vacant space 2-year term rate
reduction. |
FL |
Duke Energy |
New or existing vacant space =>50 KW 50% load factor
15-FTE's or =>$200,000 investment. ED =>500 kW 50% load
factor =>25 FTE's =>$500,000 investment 5-year term @ 50%
1-year & ratcheting down over term. |
FL |
Florida Power & Light |
New or existing 4-year term begins @ 20% reduction ratcheted
down over term. |
FL |
Gulf Power |
aka A Southern Company Vacant Building Tariff |
GA |
Georgia Power |
Discount monthly bill=>100,000,000 kWh discount 0.0891¢ all
kWh usage <100,000,000 discount 0.0372¢ kWh use reduction. |
IA |
Alliant Energy |
5-year term maximum with discount amount approved by Iowa
Utilities Board. |
IA |
Alliant Energy aka Interstate Power & Light |
Discount applied on a case by case basis. |
IN |
American Electric Power (AEP) |
New or existing expansion =>10-FTE's billing demand
reductions. |
IN |
Duke Energy |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 KW 10-FTE's/1,000 KW &
=>$1M investment, new KW demand =>$8M investment/1,000 KW
demand =>25 FTE/1,000 KW demand. Redevelopment 4-year term
beginning at 50% ratcheted down over term. |
IN |
Nipsco |
Demand =>100 KW new or existing expansion 10-FTE's 5-year
term reduction ratcheted down over term beginning at 40%. |
KA |
New or existing expansion industrial and commercial not
selling or providing goods to the general public =>200 KW
2-years. Urban Core Redevelopment commercial or industrial,
4-year term beginning at 25% ratcheted down over term. |
KY |
American Electric Power (AEP) |
New or existing expansion =>500 KW =>25-FTE's 10-year term
where rate was factor to locate or remain in service
territory. |
KY |
Duke Energy |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 KW 10-FTE's/1,000 KW &
=>$1M investment, new KW demand =>$8M investment/1,000 KW
demand =>25 FTE/1,000 KW demand. Redevelopment 4-year term
beginning at 50% ratcheted down over term. |
KY |
LG&E and KU-ODP (PP&L Company) |
Brownfield Development =>500 kVA, new customers =>1,000 kVA,
existing customers =>1,000 kVA increase FTE’s 1-year 50%
credit ratcheted down over term. |
LA |
Entergy |
New or existing expansion =>500 KW FTE's equate percentage
of reduction over the 10-year term. |
MD |
Mon Power aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
MD |
Potomac Edison aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
MD |
BG&E (Exelon) |
KW demand except monthly demand charges 5-year term 40%
reduction ratcheted down over term. |
ME |
Central Maine Power |
Incentive contributing factor for decision to remain &
expand =>20 kW increase kWH usage 10% or 10-FTE's. |
MI |
American Electric Power (AEP) |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 kVa additional demand
=>10-FTE resulting from business growth.
MN |
XcelEnergy |
Area Development Zones =>2MW manufacturing or wholesale must
qualify for government incentives. Existing or proposed
industrial park =>10-acres 5-year term 50% 1-year ratcheted
down over term. |
MN |
Alliant Power aka Interstate Power & Light |
Discount applied on a case by case basis. |
MO |
Customer additional facility projected => annual load factor
with in 2-years, 5-year term 30% 1-year ratcheted down over
term. |
MS |
Entergy |
New or existing customers =>500 KW >1 FTE, percentage
reduction tied to FTE amount 5-year term 20% 1-year
ratcheted down over term. |
NC |
Dominion Power |
New or existing expansion commercial & industrial
significant new Qualified Billing Demand. |
NC |
Duke Energy aka Progress Energy |
New or existing expansion =<1,000 KW 75-FTE's per 1,000 kW
investment =>$400,000 per 1,000 kW 4-year term 20% 1-year
ratcheted down over term. ER 35 FTE's per 500kW investment
$200,000 per 500 kW 50% 1-year.
NJ |
JCP&L aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
NJ |
Atlantic City Electric |
Redevelopment Program 20% reduction 5-year term distribution
demand charge of kWh's vacant space =>8,000 Sq. Ft.
=>2-FTE's. |
NJ |
O&R Utilities |
Job Development new or expanding 20% reduction delivery
charges 5-year term =>1 FTE. |
NJ |
Area Development Service, new or existing in targeted UEDZ
towns new =>25 KW, existing =>50 KW increase of 125% prior
year $2.88 credit KW Demand 1-5Years, 6-7 years 50% of
previous credit. |
NY |
10-year term credits for KW or kWh, utility infrastructure
investment =<$400,000 new facilities with existing others in
territory =>100 KW $1M investment. Brownfield Redevelopment
=> $500,000 per project for vacant buildings & electric
related improvements. |
NY |
O&R Utilities |
New or existing expansion =>65 KW 5-year term 20% discount
delivery portion 5-years.
OH |
Ohio Edison aka First Energy |
New or existing expansion 5-Year Term =>100 KW =>5-10-FTE
governs credits. |
OH |
The Illuminating Company aka First Energy |
New or Existing 5-Year Term =>100 KW 5-10 or more FTE's
governs credits. |
OH |
Toledo Edison aka First Energy |
New or Existing 5-Year Term =>100 KW 5-10 or more FTE's
governs credits |
OH |
Duke Energy |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 KW 25-FTE's per 1,000 kW
investment $1M per 1,000 kW. Urban Renewal vacant building
=>2-years =>25,000 Sq. Ft. =>500 kW. Brownfield
Redevelopment 8-year reduction 5-year term, 1-year 50%
ratcheted down over term. |
OK |
OG&E |
Commercial or industrial 2-year month to month basis @ term
end, 10-year service contract, =>1,000 KW Oklahoma
Department of Commerce approved Incentive Program 1-year 35%
ratcheted down over term. |
PA |
Met-Ed aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
PA |
Penelec aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
PA |
Penn Power aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
PA |
West Penn Power aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
PA |
aka Exelon New or existing expansion =>350 kW =>10-FTE’s.
Brownfield =>100 kW 15% credit of the VDC. Competitive
Alternative sustained 1 MW increased load for 3-months or
=>1MW 5-year term. |
SC |
Duke Energy |
Demand =>1,000 KW 75-FTE's per 1,000 kW investment
$400,000/1,000 kW 4-year term -year @ 20% ratcheted down
over term. Redevelopment 35-FTE's per 500 KW investment of
$200,000/500 kW 50% 1-year. |
SC |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 KW; 75 FTE's or $1,000,000
investment with =>1 FTE. |
VA |
American Electric Power (AEP) Appalachian Power |
New or existing expansion =>1,000 kW >1 FTE. Urban
Redevelopment =>2-year vacancy =>2-year term 30% reduction.
Brownfield Redevelopment =>2-Year vacancy 5-year term 35%
reduction. |
VA |
Dominion Power |
New or existing customers commercial and industrial
customers with significant new Qualified Billing Demand. |
WI |
Alliant Energy |
New or existing expansion 5-year term with options outside
Wisconsin. |
WV |
Mon Power aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 and
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |
WV |
Potomac Edison aka First Energy |
Freeze base distribution rates through May 31, 2019 &
low-income customers during the three-year term of the plan. |